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...educating people is my passion...developing Christian leaders is my calling!
There is much to learn in the Christian faith. As a Faith Based Educator and Strategic Leader, Dr. Evette teaches others what she has studied and learned over the years about the Christian faith. Applying biblical principles to an produces growth and change. Explore the Faith-Based training and development list below.
Rightly Dividing is a series of bible-based lessons designed to instruct and train the believer through practical application. Rightly Dividing also includes expository sermons for pastors and ministers that need help with the execution of scripture through proper exegesis.
Rightly Dividing prepares the expository sermon by taking a passage of scripture and reviewing the context, historical setting, and grammar (Hebrew and Greek) in order to understand the author’s purpose and intent. Each expository sermon has message points and concluding thoughts to create a holistic approach to delivery. Rightly Dividing sermons can also be used for topical and textual preaching. Visit the Content Catalogue section below to download sermons and teachings.
Rightly Dividing Workbooks by Dr. Evette! Merriam Webster defines a workbook as a student book containing instruction and exercises relating to a particular subject. Dr. Evette has designed workbooks that allow Christian's to experience the scripture text in a very different way. To request a workbook, please email Dr. Evette.
Christ Hottie Journals by Dr. Evette! Merriam-Webster defines a journal as a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use. However, the journals designed by Dr. Evette are much more than reflections or ideas. Each journal has been created to strengthen your Christian walk of faith. Please visit for your purchase. Click the following link for purchase:
Prophet Speak is a free workshop designed to encourage new prophets and better equip functional prophets in this administrative - motivational spiritual gift. To book Dr. Evette for a Prophetic Workshop at your facility, click the home tab to the left of your screen to begin the engagement process.
Topics Covered: biblical definiton of a prophet, origin of old testament prophecy, role and character of a prophet, prophets commission, prophets call narrative, and classification of prophecy.
Topics Covered: definition of new testament prophet, origin of new testament prophecy, commission, manifested gift, and evaluating prophecy.
Topics Covered: practical application of prophecy and prophetic charge.
All material is copyright protected. All Rights Reserved.
Dr. Evette's teaching on how to pray scripture using Nehemiah 1:1-11. This teaching includes research conducted by Dr. Evette.
Dr. Evette's teaching on how to pray using Luke 11:1-4. This teaching includes research conducted by Dr. Evette.
Dr. Evette's teaching on spiritual gifts according to Romans 12:3-8. This teaching includes research conducted by Dr. Evette.
Dr. Evette's teaching on spiritual gifts according to 2 Corinthians 12:8-10. This teaching includes research conducted by Dr. Evette.
Live Teaching Documents
If you have recently joined Dr. Evette at an event or watched a YouTube video, the conference PowerPoint and/or Outline is below for your convenience. Also, any print material mentioned in the YouTube video is linked below. Please use the materials for the work of the ministry, to edify the Body of Christ, and to train and equip the saints helping to identify all truths according to the Word of God.
Click on a file to download.
Files coming soon.
An infographic is a collection of imagery, data visualizations like graphs and charts with minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. Dr. Evette has designed a collection of infographics for churches and ministries to use during bible study, altar working, evangelism, etc. If you would like a custom design, please contact Dr. Evette for more details. Information graphics are best featured if printed on card-stock and trimmed.
Click on a file to download.
Expository Lessons and Sermons
Rightly Dividing is a series of bible-based lessons designed to instruct and train the believer through practical application. Rightly Dividing also includes expository sermons for pastors and ministers that need help with the execution of scripture through proper exegesis.
Click on a file to download.
Galatians 3-28 (pdf)
DownloadHebrews 11-1 PDF (pdf)
DownloadHebrews 11-6 (pdf)
DownloadI Samuel 3-9 (pdf)
DownloadII Timothy 1-7 (pdf)
DownloadII Timothy 2-15 (pdf)
DownloadJames 1-8 (pdf)
DownloadJohn 3-3 (pdf)
DownloadJohn 3-5 (pdf)
DownloadJohn 3-16 (pdf)
DownloadProverbs 13-22 (pdf)
DownloadRomans 8-28 (pdf)
DownloadRomans 10-17 (pdf)
DownloadRomans 12-1 (pdf)
DownloadRomans 12-2 (pdf)